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#1 Short Bio:

Brad Klausman was born and raised within the Southern Baptist Church community. He received his degree in biblical studies at Palm Beach Atlantic University and his master’s from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. After serving in full time ministry for over two decades, Brad found himself having to choose between the church and his LGBTQ+ daughter. Without hesitation, he chose his daughter. Now Brad is a certified life coach and empowers individuals who are struggling within, on the way out of, or have left the church to find freedom from systematic religion.

#2 Medium Bio:

I was raised to be a conservative Christian, abiding by a strict biblical moral code. Encouraged to become a minister, I attended Bible college, graduating with my master’s from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. After 20+ years of serving in full-time ministry, I began to question my belief system and the validity of the Bible. What began as doubts, grew into deal-breakers.

After several years of discovery, I walked away from Christianity completely in October of 2019. While I relished the freedom I discovered, my internal and external worlds were thrown into chaos. I found myself at 48 years old at reality ground zero asking, “Now what?”

Over the past since, I have slowly rebuilt my reality in such a way that allows for questions, doubts, reflections, and most importantly, hope. There is hope for healing and happiness after breaking free from the chains of religion! I made it through the valley of this journey. Allow me to walk with you through this challenging journey.

Obviously leaving religion brings stress and anxiety, including the loss of relationships, family, and community. These changes are, unfortunately, all too common. However, I discovered an innate potential within me to become the creator of my own destiny. With the right focus and empowerment, you too can seize this freedom and limitless potential.

#3 Long Bio:

Brad Klausman was born and raised within the Southern Baptist Church community. He received his degree in biblical studies at Palm Beach Atlantic University. After college, he attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and earned his master’s degree. Brad was in full time ministry for over 20 years. He has planted a church, run retreats, led mission trips, and trained all ages for ministry. His entire life was the church, and he gave it every bit of his being. 

After years of not being able to reconcile certain theologies and his daughter coming out as LGBTQ+, his life changed dramatically. He found himself having to choose between his daughter or the church. He left the ministry, and with it all that made up his world. Now Brad is a certified life coach and helps individuals who are struggling within the church, those with one foot out the door, and those who have already left to find freedom from systematic religion. He has been featured on numerous podcasts, IG Lives, and has a thriving coaching business. Brad’s encompassing desire is to help people to love themselves and live a free life.