New Year Goals
When was the last time you made new year resolutions/goals? Maybe you chose a word for your new year. I used to make new year resolutions and continually failed at upholding them. We have these lofty ideas to take on great things and accomplish them when we start with a “clean slate.”
I personally have stopped making new year resolutions and goals. I will never just choose one word for new year. I find that very limiting and stunting of a person's growth. The truth is all we ever really need to do is allow ourselves to grow and be free to do so. I encourage you to start this process by asking some reflection questions:
What fears, struggles, and pain do you need to heal from?
What did you really enjoy this past year you want to do again?
What have you always wanted to do but haven't yet?
Life is about experience and learning. These two aspects go hand and hand. Focus on you this year. Better yourself from within. You are worth it. It is not about what you accomplish that the world can see. Life is about what you have accomplished within. Take the time this year to go at your own pace and allow yourself to feel, heal, and grow. If you do those things, this year will be a success.
Remember your Daily Self-care
Ease into your day
Be true to yourself
Take some personal time for you
Hold to your personal boundaries
As always, I am here to walk through this with you. You do not have to do this alone. Have a wonderful 2022.